
/Carla Young

About Carla Young

Carla Young is the Marketing Strategist at Lush. She develops strategic content marketing assets for clients across a range of industries.
17 12, 2015

Should Your Brand Publish Content Over Christmas?

By | December 17th, 2015|Categories: Content Marketing|Comments Off on Should Your Brand Publish Content Over Christmas?

Although we’ve spoken before about the importance of consistency in content marketing, as we approach the Christmas break, many businesses are wondering whether publishing content over the holidays is worth the effort. The answer to this concern is “it depends on your audience”. To help you make the decision for your brand, we’ve put together a list of key factors to consider. […]

10 12, 2015

4 Ways to Determine if Your Content Has a Media Mindset

By | December 10th, 2015|Categories: Content Marketing|Comments Off on 4 Ways to Determine if Your Content Has a Media Mindset

Do you publish content with a media mindset? At Lush, we proudly [...]

3 12, 2015

Quizzical Content Marketing

By | December 3rd, 2015|Categories: Content Marketing|Comments Off on Quizzical Content Marketing

With the recent data released from CMI about Australian content marketing, most [...]

26 11, 2015

Ad Blockers Reveal Opportunities for Content Marketing

By | November 26th, 2015|Categories: Content Marketing|Comments Off on Ad Blockers Reveal Opportunities for Content Marketing

Do you use ad blockers when you surf the net? The rise of ad-blocking technologies has been a hot topic in 2015, with studies finding the use of ad blockers has increased at a rate of 41% globally in the past 12 months. So what does it mean for marketers when users start to customise their own online experience? […]

17 11, 2015

RIP Google+

By | November 17th, 2015|Categories: Content Marketing, Social Media|Comments Off on RIP Google+

Is Google+ done and dusted? News from the past couple of weeks indicates Google+ is on its way out. With the latest news that Google Places API drops Google+ URLS from their business listings, all signs point towards one tragic fate: Google+ is on its last legs. […]

12 11, 2015

7 Podcast Directories to Improve Distribution

By | November 12th, 2015|Categories: Content Marketing|Comments Off on 7 Podcast Directories to Improve Distribution

So you’ve created a podcast, now what? Producing quality content is only half the battle when it comes to content marketing, as what’s the point of creating it if nobody ever sees it? With Google announcing the launch of their own podcast directory last week, there’s never been more evidence of the fact that people are increasingly searching for podcasts online. So if your brand is finding social media and your own online channels aren’t cutting it in terms of podcast distribution and amplification, why not try out podcast directories? […]

5 11, 2015

The Politics of Content Marketing

By | November 5th, 2015|Categories: Content Marketing|2 Comments

When content marketing starts to be used as a political tool, what does it mean for the overall industry? The relationship between content marketing and politicians is a seemingly good fit, as the goal of each is to build an audience of loyal followers, and to foster values within these audiences in line with your own. Both content marketing and politicians benefit from appearing to be transparent, authentic and honest in the eyes of their followers. […]

13 10, 2015

Why You Need a Content Marketing Editorial Calendar

By | October 13th, 2015|Categories: Content Marketing|Comments Off on Why You Need a Content Marketing Editorial Calendar

Do you know what your brand is publishing next week? What about next month, or next quarter? Effective content marketing doesn’t consider individual pieces in isolation, rather as components of an overall strategy. Think of it as parts of a spider web that, working together, catches more customers. In order to execute your content marketing strategy effectively, you must make this bigger picture visible, and plan it from a strategic perspective. […]

7 10, 2015

12 Blogging Rules Every Content Marketer Should Follow

By | October 7th, 2015|Categories: Content Marketing|Comments Off on 12 Blogging Rules Every Content Marketer Should Follow

Are you getting the most out of your company blog? Many brands start a blog by writing posts based on gut feeling rather than following strategic guidelines, and with this approach feel unsatisfied by the results they receive. To help you cut through the clutter and grow your audience, follow these 12 rules. […]

1 10, 2015

Quality Content Right Under Your Nose

By | October 1st, 2015|Categories: Content Marketing|Comments Off on Quality Content Right Under Your Nose

Do you know what content assets your business already has? Content can get lost in company archives due to new projects, change of staff, or simply time passing. Even if your brand is new to the content marketing pursuit, it’s likely you have existing content with unfulfilled potential. […]