Monthly Archives: November 2015

26 11, 2015

Ad Blockers Reveal Opportunities for Content Marketing

By | November 26th, 2015|Categories: Blog, Content Marketing|Tags: , |Comments Off on Ad Blockers Reveal Opportunities for Content Marketing

Do you use ad blockers when you surf the net? The rise of ad-blocking technologies has been a hot topic in 2015, with studies finding the use of ad blockers has increased at a rate of 41% globally in the past 12 months. So what does it mean for marketers when users start to customise their own online experience? […]

25 11, 2015

Brand Newsroom 63: Australian Content Marketing Research

By | November 25th, 2015|Categories: Brand Newsroom, Podcast|Tags: , |Comments Off on Brand Newsroom 63: Australian Content Marketing Research

Have you been wondering when Australian content marketing will take off like [...]

22 11, 2015

New Australian Research for Modern Marketing Managers

By | November 22nd, 2015|Categories: Blog, Content Marketing|Tags: , , |Comments Off on New Australian Research for Modern Marketing Managers

In-person events, social media, video and blogs are the most effective content marketing tactics in Australia. New research from the Content Marketing Institute shows modern marketing managers in Australia are enjoying success on the back of content marketing strategies and have big plans to do even more of it in 2016. […]

20 11, 2015

The Case for a Brand Newsroom Marketing Strategy

By | November 20th, 2015|Categories: Blog, Content Marketing|Tags: , , |Comments Off on The Case for a Brand Newsroom Marketing Strategy

For too long brands have had difficulty getting their stories to the general public. They’ve been at the mercy of traditional media and PR agencies, both gatekeepers to publication. Content marketing has helped improve the situation but companies must commit to building their own news sites to gain real benefit. With the advent of the brand newsroom, business now has the ability to wield as much influence as traditional media. […]

18 11, 2015

Brand Newsroom 62: Traditional vs. Brand Journalism

By | November 18th, 2015|Categories: Brand Journalism, Brand Newsroom, Content Marketing, Podcast|Tags: , |Comments Off on Brand Newsroom 62: Traditional vs. Brand Journalism

Is the line between traditional journalism and brand journalism beginning to blur? [...]

17 11, 2015

RIP Google+

By | November 17th, 2015|Categories: Blog, Content Marketing, Social Media|Tags: , |Comments Off on RIP Google+

Is Google+ done and dusted? News from the past couple of weeks indicates Google+ is on its way out. With the latest news that Google Places API drops Google+ URLS from their business listings, all signs point towards one tragic fate: Google+ is on its last legs. […]

12 11, 2015

7 Podcast Directories to Improve Distribution

By | November 12th, 2015|Categories: Blog, Content Marketing|Tags: , |Comments Off on 7 Podcast Directories to Improve Distribution

So you’ve created a podcast, now what? Producing quality content is only half the battle when it comes to content marketing, as what’s the point of creating it if nobody ever sees it? With Google announcing the launch of their own podcast directory last week, there’s never been more evidence of the fact that people are increasingly searching for podcasts online. So if your brand is finding social media and your own online channels aren’t cutting it in terms of podcast distribution and amplification, why not try out podcast directories? […]

11 11, 2015

Brand Newsroom 61: Essena O’Neill & Authenticity

By | November 11th, 2015|Categories: Brand Newsroom, Content Marketing, Podcast|Tags: , |1 Comment

Does your brand reach out to influencers on social media? Last week, [...]

10 11, 2015

13 Tools to Maximise Content Marketing Amplification

By | November 10th, 2015|Categories: Blog, Content Marketing|Tags: , , |Comments Off on 13 Tools to Maximise Content Marketing Amplification

There’s a fallacy about content marketing that great content will rise to the top. It’s been my experience a lot of mediocre content is easily available and lots of great content never gets the attention it deserves. Why? Because a lot of awesome content never gets marketed. […]

5 11, 2015

The Politics of Content Marketing

By | November 5th, 2015|Categories: Blog, Content Marketing|Tags: , , |2 Comments

When content marketing starts to be used as a political tool, what does it mean for the overall industry? The relationship between content marketing and politicians is a seemingly good fit, as the goal of each is to build an audience of loyal followers, and to foster values within these audiences in line with your own. Both content marketing and politicians benefit from appearing to be transparent, authentic and honest in the eyes of their followers. […]