indoor filming with lego character and video camera

Video Production: 3 Essentials for Indoor Filming

You’ve got a cameraman and producer staring at you through a lens, repositioning you, fluffing up cushions or straightening your collar. Being interviewed on camera can feel like all eyes are on you, but it’s not just your appearance being scrutinised- everything in the frame needs checking out. What we see through the camera’s viewfinder is what your audience will see in the final product.

When filming indoors there are many considerations that need to be addressed before even setting foot on location. The producer must ensure the environment suits the requirements of not only the client’s brief but the practical needs of the film crew. The primary focus will always be on the subject and the content they are delivering, but the location is also significant. You can use the environment to complement your content.

 Is your footage on PAR with your brief?

It’s never as simple as to just show up, point and shoot. Here are three areas to consider when choosing a film location to make sure your footage is on par with the overall message of the brief:


  • Eliminate distractions from the frame to ensure that the viewer remains focussed on the subject.
  • Choose your set wisely – using corners of a room creates visual interest, so does a room allowing adequate depth of field.
  • Lighting – Lighting your subject can make a huge difference in how professional your footage looks. Not only does it allow the viewer to see your subject clearly, but you can manipulate the mood by using different lights and positioning.


Does the image in the frame look good? How can it be improved?

Your room becomes a film set, no matter how big or small the shoot. This may be as simple as changing the chair the subject sits in or as complex as a complete decorating overhaul.


Everything in the frame must have a purpose. If it doesn’t complement the subject or fit the aesthetic of the film, then lose it.

A viewer will subconsciously analyse the contents of the image. Is there any way that an item could be perceived the wrong way or give off the wrong message? If so, get rid of it. Likewise include a prop that may highlight a key message from the brief or aid in creating the appropriate ambience.


Choosing your film crew

Ultimately we want to create the best footage possible from the chosen location using the props, lighting and people available. To have the three areas prepared before filming allows a smoother shoot with fewer complications. The ability to be flexible is vital when choosing your crew. They must be able to work in whatever location is provided and be competent in dealing with any restraints and possible complications.

These tips are merely scratching the surface of what’s involved when filming indoors. For more information please get in touch. We have a team willing to share their knowledge and provide any filming services you require.

- Lucy Helliwell

Image credit: Jeri (Hitty Evie) ‘Toy Sunday’ on Flickr

Image credit: Arash Razzagh Karimi,  ‘Garley the Persian cat’ on Flickr

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